find your perfect green shade

take our essie color quiz to find what green is a match made for you!

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green nail designs 💁‍♀️

essie spring 2023 green multi-mani nail trends

nail art multicolor green nail design

it’s not always about having each finger a different color, sometimes we like to focus on accent colors in a random pattern across the nails to make a statement!

Try the green nail art tutorial: pop art nail art

nail art pop art nail design tutorial

high contrast pop art and groovy 80’s lava lamps inspired this epic nail art look!

Try the green nail art tutorial: green marble nails

nail art green marble nails tutorial

“this look is inspired by nature, gems, and the malachite crystal specifically. it is easier than it seems too, you have to give this technique a try!” - Rita Remark

🥝💚🌱 trending green nail polish shades 🌱💚🥝


green nail polish shades from essie

tips & trends green nail inspiration for spring 2023

it is no secret that green is the hot color of 2023. from dark green to vibrant brights... our spring and summer green nail inspo is here! lets find which polish is perfect for you!

browse green nail polishes

gorgeous green nail polishes!

browse essie's green nail polish shades, find the perfect hue! from sheers to opaques, longwear to quick dry, shimmers or creams – find your perfect essie shade. Better yet, try it on using our essie on hand virtual try-on salon!

click to discover more!